Feel free to try these scripts in the DE of your choice. Typing 'stopclock 10' would start a countdown to 10, for example. Not something designed for practical use, but more as a demonstration of the use of zenity and kdialog. Also this is a good illustration of the use of dcop - another very powerful application that is not very well known or documented.
1. stopclock.sh for KDE
#!/bin/sh if [ $# -ne 1 ] then echo $# echo "Usage: stopclock (number of seconds)" exit fi stime=$(date +%s) #starting time etime=0 #elapsed time stoptime=$1 #time at which to stop ltime=$stoptime #time left d=$(kstart --ontop --alldesktops kdialog --progressbar "Starting countdown..." $stoptime) dcop $d setAutoClose true while [ "$etime" -lt "$stoptime" ]; do sleep 1 ctime=$(date +%s) #current time : $((etime=$ctime-$stime)) : $((ltime-=1)) label=$ltime" seconds left" dcop $d setLabel "$label" dcop $d setProgress $etime done |
2. stopclock.sh for Gnome
#!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 1 ] then echo $# echo "Usage: stopclock (number of seconds)" exit fi stime=$(date +%s) #starting time etime=0 #elapsed time stoptime=$1 #time at which to stop ftime=0 #fraction of time elapsed label="counting down "$stoptime" seconds" while [ "$etime" -lt "$stoptime" ]; do sleep 1 ctime=$(date +%s) #current time : $((etime=$ctime-$stime)) ftime=$(echo $etime*100/$stoptime | bc -l) echo $ftime done | zenity --progress --text="$label" |