November 10, 2011

Building Emacs 24 on Ubuntu 11.10

You can install emacs24 from the Damien Cassou's repository for emacs-snapshot packages. However, I wanted to try building emacs 24 myself from source. I started off from instructions here and had to install a few additional packages to get all the build dependencies.

# Get emacs source
sudo apt-get install bzr
bzr branch bzr:// emacs

# some dependencies
sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev
sudo apt-get install libgif-dev libxpm-dev

# for makeinfo
sudo apt-get install texinfo

# configure complains about missing libtiff
sudo apt-get install libtiff4-dev

# configure and build (WARNING: This is to build with gtk3 as suggested in the original post)
cd emacs
./configure --with-x-toolkit=gtk3

And hurray !


sirmacik said...

You don't have to download whole emacs repository to use the latest branch... It's worth to take a look at archlinux's AUR package for emacs-bzr. With the following line you get only what you need witch is much faster way to start using it. (;

bzr co --lightweight -v bzr:// emacs

You van find whole PKGBUILD here:

Regards, Marcin

yamamushi said...

You should add the ./ step to your post :)

Anonymous said...

An alternative to building yourself is using the following:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cassou/emacs
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install emacs-snapshot